Therapeutic specialists

We assist individuals and families get through difficult chapters

Our philosophy

  • The therapeutic relationship

    Much research has supported that the single most important factor in positive client outcomes is a strong therapeutic relationship. With this in mind, we hope you feel a connection with your psychologist and can see that care and kindness is at the centre of what we do. Over the course of counselling, it is normal for the relationship to ebb and flow much like our personal relationships. Psychologists at Recalibrate Psychology are trained to reflect on this process as it often helps highlight patterns in relationships external to the therapeutic environment. We invite your comments and feelings at all times in the counselling space, as it is a collaborative effort to work towards re-calibrating to your best you. While there will be times where it is necessary your clinician will gently challenge you, this will be done in a supportive and therapeutic manner, usually alongside an explanation of the reason for the challenging. As Sigmund Freud says …“out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength”.

  • Sessions and treatment plans

    To develop a deep and connected bond with your therapist, regular sessions are recommended. A minimum of once per fortnight is advised especially at the beginning of the engagement. Recalibrate Psychology prefers to conduct a semi-structured assessment session at the beginning of the engagement (especially when working with adolescents and their families) to gain a proper understanding of the psychopathology and systems within the family that may be maladaptive or causing the presenting problems. Assessment sessions are longer in length as we find that during the first sessions clients have a lot to tell their therapist and we have a lot of questions to ask. If you would prefer to have a standard session for your first assessment, then some pre-session questions can be sent to you via email to help the clinician have a holistic understanding of your current well-being and stressors.

  • Parents and adolescents

    Madeleine has worked with high risk youth and adolescents who are struggling with their lives for more than ten years. It is recommended that parents attend the initial assessment and time is spent with the family and adolescent together. This is so the young person hears the parental concerns and understands that it is a whole family response to their situation and that they are not alone. Therapy can be overwhelming for young people and building trust with a new therapist can take time. It is also important to note that Recalibrate Psychology works within the Australian Psychological Society’s ethical and legal parameters for working with young people with suicidal ideation, self-harm and risk. Confidentially will be explained thoroughly to the family during the first session so the young person understands what can be kept in the therapeutic relationship and what cannot, depending on the age of the young person and presenting issues.

“A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset.”